Check out Ren Gyo Soh’s new production, En 2021!

Saki is so excited to be a part of Ren Gyo Soh’s new production En:2021, which will be premiered on March 6th!

This is a hybrid production of Film and online live performance. Six performers who are in a different location in USA have met and connected, and been creating this show since December 2020.

Saki has been an intern in Ren Gyo Soh company and has worked as an assistant director, stage manager and graphic designer for this production. She is delighted to be a part of this and see every process of this powerful and beautiful show. Please do not miss this show!

Make sure to book the ticket from here.

Ren Gyo Soh Official Website


Thank you for your support for our production, En:2021!


Saki worked with Vasu dev Pendyala!